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Jana Stone

Jana Stone

Jana Stone enjoys a unique relationship with Cleveland State University: both student and teacher. In 1992, she received her master's degree in applied communication from the University. She also served as an adjunct professor in the School of Communication for nearly 15 years. Her unique vantage enabled her to experience both the transformative nature of a CSU education and the extraordinary impact of the University on its students and community.

"CSU is a wonderful institution that enables people from all walks of life to receive an excellent education. Its diversity is its strength," she says.

Motivated by her belief in and experience with the University, Stone added CSU to her will and created the Jana V. Stone Endowed Scholarship Fund. Her original goal was that the Fund, endowed after her death, would provide financial assistance to students in need, transforming the lives of countless future students long after she passed away. However, when she heard about Charitable Gift Annuities, she decided to make a current gift, one that provided her a lifetime income while also benefiting the University today.

Stone, who received CSU's Distinguished Alumni Award in 1998, lives in Fort Myers, Fla. with her husband, Ray. She is active in the CSU Alumni Association, regularly attending the annual CSU2U program.

"Look into the Charitable Gift Annuity program. It is a win-win situation for you and CSU!" she advises other donors.

To join Stone in supporting CSU with a Charitable Gift Annuity, click here.
